Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core


by Rebecca on 2008-01-15

If you read this blog fairly regularly, youʼve probably noticed that we added two links to our page, both relating to the CROP Walk. Weʼve accepted a church responsibility to head up our wardʼs fund raising efforts for the CROP Walk. (For more information about the CROP Walk and the Church World Service, go here. They do a much better job of explaining than I ever could.) Hereʼs our plug for the Austin CROP Hunger Walk.

The Austin Texas Stake and the Austin Oak Hill Stake have participated in the Austin CROP Hunger Walk for over 20 years, as members of the Austin Area Interreligious Ministry, which is one of the community sponsors. It has proven to be a great missionary opportunity for the LDS Church in Austin and yet another way of building goodwill and cooperation among the various churches in the area.

The Austin CROP Hunger Walk will be held on March 1 in Roy Guerrero Park at 10 a.m. As part of our efforts, we are encouraging our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors to make a contribution to this very worthy cause. Weʼve set up a website where you can make donations here (link removed), if youʼre interested. (We have nothing to do with the pictures of the website — itʼs purely functional and not intended to be especially aesthetically appealing.) If youʼd like to walk with us, weʼd love to have you be a part of our team. Any help you can offer is appreciated, and please, help us spread the word!