Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

Memorial Day

by Rebecca on 2008-06-01

Iʼm a little late in posting about Memorial Day, but it was a wonderful day! First of all, we didnʼt have to go to work, and at least for me, thatʼs a huge relief. (I think William still likes his job, so I wonʼt speak for him.) It was so nice to wake up without an alarm clock! And for some reason, that day, I was especially excited about not having to put on any makeup, though after looking at the pictures, maybe I shouldʼve put some on …

Second of all, we got to spend part of the day with the Jacksons in Austin. Mark had a choir competition at UT in the afternoon, so the whole Waco crew came down to spend the morning with us before Mark was scheduled to perform. The boys swam, Ellen and I lounged in the hot tub because the pool was too cold, and Larry cleaned out the pool because he didnʼt want to get wet, period. It was amazing! We also had a good lunch: Bushʼs fried chicken, tabbouleh, veggies, baked beans, and blackberry cobbler. Mmm. I love summertime meals. It was fun to see them again, and we hope theyʼll come back soon!

Third of all, William and I lounged the rest of the day. We made a trip to HEB, bought a notebook to organize all those recipes that I tore out of Southern Living but didnʼt file, dyed my hair back to a decent shade of brown, and watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerorʼs Stone for Family Home Evening. Such a nice, easy day!

Here are some pictures for the curious.

William in the pool

See how excited William is to be in the freezing cold pool?

Mark and Matthew in the pool

I just noticed that Matthewʼs feet are wildly thrashing in this pictures. This is the kind of thing that only brothers can do to each other.

Ellen and Rebecca in the pool

I think I can justify putting a picture of me in my swimsuit online because itʼs mostly a head shot. Man, that hot tub felt good once William figured out how to turn on the jets.

Larry and Mark

Hmm. I think Mark had too much cobbler.