Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

All of December, reduced to one post

by Rebecca on 2009-01-03

December was not a great month for blogging. But thatʼs OK, because I was busy getting sick (gah) and getting ready for Christmas. Woo hoo. Here are some of the highlights:

We went to Idaho for Sarahʼs wedding the second weekend in December. It was about negative 20 degrees (or at least, it felt like it) and snowy, but somehow we kept warm enough to wish Sarah and Matt all the best.

While we were waiting for Sarah and Matt to leave the temple, Andrew and Margie Walker came down from Rexburg to see us! They came down, even though the roads hadnʼt been cleared off yet. True friends!

On our drive up to Idaho, we stopped in Logan to have lunch with the Steeds, a CES missionary couple that served in Austin while William and I were dating. They were kind of like surrogate grandparents and we were happy to see them and get caught up on their adventures.

We ate dinner with Carrie at Burgers Supreme in Provo. Best burgers in the world, hands down. And their fry sauce — mmmm. I wish we could find a place in Austin that matched up. Carrie must have been really excited about wearing Williamʼs hat.

That trip to Idaho and Utah pretty much did me in, and Iʼm resolved not to do any major traveling for a good while. Thatʼs a pretty big statement for me, huh?

Back in Austin, on the Monday before Christmas, we had a Christmas FHE with friends from our ward. We ate delicious food, sang Christmas songs, made ornaments, and played with our friendsʼ baby boy. We didnʼt go so far as to put him in a manger and make him play Baby Jesus, though, because he seemed to like being held rather than gazed upon lovingly by sheep and wise men.

We spent Christmas Day in New Braunfels with the Allens. William and I went to the Methodist Church Christmas Eve service with my grandmother and had a great time. Any church that passes out candles is OK in my book!

The following weekend, we drove up to Waco on Saturday and Sunday for an open house for Sarah and Matt and Sunday dinner with the family. We chased kids around all weekend and played lots of games and ate delicious food.

It was a good month!