by Rebecca on 2009-06-10
I volunteered a few months ago to throw a baby shower for one of my friends in the ward. I was her visiting teacher at the time, and I thought it would be fun to throw a party. So, I found myself last Saturday morning in my fancy schmancy new kitchen with its spacious island and well stocked fridge and gas range and convection oven/microwave cooking up a storm. Somehow, in all of the excitement of cooking a huge pile of food in my kitchen, I didnʼt take any better pictures of the food than this one. But trust me, it was all delicious.
Here are the recipes that I made:
These were all new recipes to me, and I was pretty excited to try them out on a crowd. I do that, you know. Trying new recipes on my friends is one of my favorite tricks.
The shower was so fun. The food was great, we had a good bunch of people from the ward join the festivities, the games werenʼt embarrassing or ridiculous, and the honoree went home with a great big pile of little boy gifts. Mission accomplished.