Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core


by Rebecca on 2009-07-26

Look who came all the way from Lubbock to see us: Lorraine, Ellen, Jack, Rose, and Mary. They came down on Saturday for lunch and a good visit. The kids spent most of the time running outside to the playscape, swinging for a few minutes, and then running inside for a drink or snack. Clearly they were unaware of just how hot it is outside. I got to hear Maryʼs engagement story, complete with Taco Bell details, and admire her ring. It was so fun to see them! I hope that we get to see Lorraine & Co. more than once a year, though.

This picture reminds me of that Sesame Street song, “Which of These Things is Not Like the Other?” (Obviously, Iʼm the only non-Jackson in the picture. Crazy how much they all look alike, huh?)

Lorraine was a good sport about going out in 100+ degree weather to push her kids on the swing. She might have to come and push my kids, too, because Iʼm a wimp when it comes to the heat.

And here I am with baby Rose. (I thought about putting this picture on Facebook to see if anyone thought that she was my kid.) Thanks for a fun visit, everyone!