Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

Emilyʼs Blessing

by William on 2009-10-12

We were fortunate to have a metric ton of family come to Austin for Emilyʼs blessing. Here we have Rebeccaʼs parents and grandmother with Emily, Rebecca and me:

William, Rebecca, Ann, Emily, Terry, and Bobbie

And here we have a very proud grandfather and a very sleepy Emily:

Terry and Emily

The Allens had to get out of town after church, but all the Jacksons (and Woodsworths and Starks and Motts) came to our home for lunch. Hereʼs the entire crowd:

All the Jacksons!

Unfortunately, Emily fell asleep on the way home from church and stayed asleep until just about everyone was gone, so she didnʼt make it into the picture.

Thanks to everyone who could come! We enjoyed visiting and hugging everyone.