Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

Not a boring weather post

by Rebecca on 2010-02-25

Iʼm not one that feels the need to talk about the weather, since itʼs usually pretty boring, especially here in Texas. However, this week we had weather that definitely wasnʼt boring, so I feel like I can share this.

On Monday, it came to my attention that snow was forecasted for Tuesday. This isnʼt terribly unusual, but the forecast usually never pans out. So, imagine my surprise on Tuesday morning when I opened my curtains to this.


It snowed! Like honest to goodness big fat fluffy flakes fell from the sky almost all day long. These pictures show the progress throughout the day. (Note to those of you on the East Coast: sorry this doesnʼt compare to your blizzard, but still, you have to admit that any snow in Austin is pretty amazing.)






And Emily took it quite well. I didnʼt take her out in it because it was too cold, but she watched it from the back window and seemed pretty interested in it.

