Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

Getting into Trouble

by Rebecca on 2010-05-10


So, I mentioned in my last post that Emily has started crawling, and now she can get to almost any place that she wants to be. Sheʼs surprisingly fast, and just today, I found myself trying to block her from getting into a pantry or the refrigerator while I was making dinner.

Her favorite place to explore is our food pantry where she can get into the plastic containers and the extra bottles of formula. (Thatʼs the face she makes when she sees the camera. Is she a ham or what?)



She also likes to bang on the vent beneath the air conditioner. And her new favorite “Push Momʼs Buttons” trick is to pull the kitchen towel off of the towel rack immediately after Iʼve put it back up nicely. It seems to be her personal mission to keep that towel rack from a life of suspended misery when it could be comfortably wadded up on the floor.



Yes, being able to move around from Point A to Point B is making Emily one happy little lady.

Bonus feature 1: she loves loves Williamʼs guitar. Like she makes excited little grunting noises as she crawls towards it, filled with the anticipation of giving it a good plucking.


Bonus feature 2: Emily figured how to do this today. Whaaat?
