Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

Emilyʼs 1st Birthday

by Rebecca on 2010-08-15

Emily turned 1 on Tuesday. Instead of writing a tear-jerker post about how time flies, or how my baby went from this ball of fluff to this cheeseball, Iʼm just going to post pictures from her two birthday parties.

The Waco Party

Emily with her cake

Apparently we didnʼt do a good job of explaining the function of birthday candles.

Emily eating her cake

Yay for cake! (Do you like how careful sheʼs being with it?)

Emily excited for her present

Iʼm sad that this picture is blurry because look how excited she is to get a present!

Emily with her new book

A picture book with nothing but kittens. Best birthday present ever!

Emily playing with her uncle Matthew

Pretending to be Indiana Jones with Uncle Matthew

The Austin Party

Emily playing on the floor with Jenga pieces

We played Jenga

Mark, Rebecca, and Ellie eating chips and guacamole

And ate gobs of guacamole.

William holding Emily while Emily opens a present

We opened presents.

Emily sitting in Williamʼs lap, wearing a new bib

We tried on a new bib. (Thanks, Janelle!)

Emily with her feather boa

We luxuriated in our new feather boa. (In restrospect, this may not have been the best move on my part because now my house is littered with tiny little feathers, almost as if a pillow exploded in my living room.)

Emily with a birthday card and a dollar bill

We earned a dollar. (Thanks, Great-Grandma Jackson!)

Emily eating chocolate cake

We ate more cake. (Again, see how careful she is?)

Happy Birthday, Emily!