Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

O Christmas Tree!

by Rebecca on 2010-12-29

One of the benefits of doing a post-Christmas camera dump is that Iʼm suddenly filled with ideas for blogs. So, hereʼs my first. For the first time in our three years of marriage, William and I had a Christmas tree. We got a fantastic deal at Garden Ridge during their Black Friday sale, and we had such a hard time waiting until December to put it up. We finally opened it on the first Monday of December as our Family Home Evening activity. It ended up taking 2 days, and hundreds of papercut-like scratches on my hands, to get the tree fully fluffed and decorated. Weʼve been enjoying it all month because it fits just perfectly in our little corner. Here we are at the end of December, and I just donʼt want to take it down yet. Sigh.

Rebecca, Emily, and our Christmas tree

Emily with our Christmas tree

William, Emily, and our Christmas tree

Emily wearing footy pajamas looking at our Christmas tree

(The last picture is here because is there anything more Christmas-y than babies in footy pajamas?)