Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core


by Rebecca on 2010-12-29

In lieu of a gift exchange this year, William and I bought a chest freezer as our Christmas present. Itʼll go well with the Samʼs Club membership that Mom and Dad gave us. Thank you!

When the freezer was delivered, I had the brilliant idea to ask the delivery guy if we could keep the box. I wasnʼt sure what we would do with a giant box, but maybe Emily could play in it. My brain is pretty slow sometimes.

This is why babies need daddies, too. William turned the freezer box into a pretty amazing little playhouse for Emily, with two windows, a swinging door, and even a little coin slot. Sheʼs spent quite a bit of time

Emily peeking out a window of the playhouse

peeking out the windows,

Emily playing in the playhouse

swinging the door, and

Emily and William inside the playhouse

hatching no-good plots with Daddy. I say we got our moneyʼs worth out of that box.