Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

Santa Baby

by Rebecca on 2010-12-29

Emily eating a candy cane

A few weeks ago, the mom who hosted playgroup somehow convinced Santa Claus to come visit the kiddos. Emily is still too little to really get Christmas or Santa or presents (though, thankfully, she does get excited about Baby Jesus). Sheʼs not one to flip out at the sight of a stranger, but she does tend to be kind of wary, so I wasnʼt sure how sheʼd handle her first encounter with Santa.

Rebecca, Emily, and Santa Claus

Kind of suspicious of the old man with the candy cane but probably wondering if she can pet his fur coat.

Rebecca, Emily, and Santa Claus

Still not convinced that she can safely take candy from strangers.*

Emily eating a candy cane

Will try the candy cane only if the wrapper is still on.

It was a fun outing for me, and Iʼm glad that my kid didnʼt have a meltdown at the sight of Santa.

* He was the flirtiest Santa Iʼve ever seen (maybe the only flirty Santa Iʼve ever seen?) He winked at me across the room and rubbed my back while Emily had her picture taken. Hmm.