Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

Getting dressed

by Rebecca on 2011-03-24

We have an independent dresser on our hands these days. Last night, Emily picked out this onesie and this set of shorts to wear for her PJs. (The pajama pickings are always a little slim on the day before laundry day.) Awesome, right?


And this morning, as I was changing her diaper, Emily grabbed her shorts and said, “Shorts ON! SHORTS ON!” with all the determination that she could muster. So, I let her put her shorts on, and she did an admirable job for a 19-month old. Only, the shorts were backwards and inside out.


Apparently she is also a bit vain. As I was working on this post, Emily started whining, “See pictures!” and would not be mollified until I set my computer to show a slide show of pictures of, well, her.