Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

This Is Why It Is a Bad Idea to Go Geocaching at Night

by William on 2011-04-16

Emily and I went out for more geocaches this morning.

Side note: my spell checker tried to correct “geocaches” to “stagecoaches”. I will let you decide whether that story would be more interesting to read.

So, Emily and I went out for more geocaches this morning. I had two targets in mind. The first one was in a cemetery. My only real clue was a comment left by someone who had found it previously: “The container was a bit startling considering the location but I resisted calling an anthropologist.”

First, Emily and I looked around at the headstones. As advertised, most of them were from the 1800s. Very neat! Also, I wanted it to look like we were actually visiting the cemetery for cemeterial reasons in case anyone was watching. Emily kept asking me whether we were going to see Grandmaʼs house. I have no idea what that was about.

After a few minutes, we walked over to the other end of the (rather small) cemetery where there were trees but no graves. We looked around for about five minutes. Emily wanted to touch every single tree. Then I saw this at the base of a cluster of trees:


Let me tell you right now I was a little freaked out because it looked intensely real. Emily was just as curious as ever. She has no idea what a skull is. So, I carefully nudged it with my shoe and decided that it really was resin (or whatever fake skulls are made of), and picked it up.

There was a purple metal canister embedded in the base of the skull. I unscrewed the cap and found the log. I signed it, put it back, sprinkled some dead leaves around to kind of conceal it, and we got right out of there.

We did find the other geocache I wanted to find but it wasnʼt nearly as interesting.