Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core


by Rebecca on 2011-07-31

A while back, I bought a Groupon-type deal for a class at a local bake shop, thinking that with kids, knowing a little bit about decorating cakes would be a good thing. I managed to convince my friend to sign up for a cupcake class with me, but then she backed out at the last minute. (For a very good reason, so no hard feelings there.) The whole point of going with someone else was to have another person to laugh with if my creations came out looking like Cake Wrecks.

But Iʼm pleased to report that my cupcake attempts came out looking reasonably edible. We had a good instructor who walked us through every step of the process. Her assistant set out all the supplies as we worked through the sequence of designs. And each cupcake was supposed to teach a different technique or decorating material, so we had a pretty good introduction to some of the different decorations out there.

The finished collection of my dozen cupcakes:


The hamburgers and hot dogs are made out of chocolate fondant:


Good old-fashioned cupcake with sprinkles:


One of my favorite designs to make, and it was easier than it looks. Dip the center in sprinkles and pipe yellow petals all around. Ta da!


I loved this gold sparkling sugar so much:


This looks so much fancier than it is. Turns out fondant is incredibly easy to work with.


Emilyʼs birthday is coming up in just a few weeks, and now I have so many ideas for her cupcakes. Where to start??