Accio Jacksons!

An 11-inch holly blog with a phoenix feather core

12 Days of Halloween

by Rebecca on 2011-11-01

Pumpkin patch

We opted to keep our Halloween celebrations (of what?? It really is such a weird holiday.) fairly manageable, with one trip to a pumpkin patch, one jack-o-lantern for the family, one trick or treating session, and one trunk or treat, all on different days and none of which happened on Halloween. Still makes it sound like we did a lot, huh? In fact, we didnʼt go out or answer the door at Halloween because we had company for dinner and Emilyʼs cute Halloween shirt was dirty (you canʼt go trick-or-treating in civilian clothes without looking like a really big moocher).

Queen Emily and pumpkin carving

It would seem that Emily is more like me than expected. At the pumpkin patch, she was more interested in looking at all the pretty flowers than in picking out a pumpkin. She picked the first small pumpkin she saw and that was pretty much it. When we carved our pumpkin, she touched the slimy seeds on the inside and then refused to to have anything else to do with it for the rest of the night. I cleaned out the pumpkin and William carved it, while Emily ran around the backyard. Of course, she still talks about “my pumpkin,” so I guess sheʼs okay with taking all the credit.


We went trick-or-treating at a retirement home for weekly playgroup. There were plenty of kids running around trying to score as much candy as they could get. Emily didnʼt really get it, and after getting two bags of plain M&Mʼs and a bag of Skittles, she was content to sit and enjoy her spoils. The same thing happened at the ward trunk-or-treat. She won a plate of cupcakes in the cake walk, and thatʼs all she wanted to eat. For Halloween day, she dressed herself in the most amazing outfit and had a Kit Kat bar for lunch.

Happy Halloween indeed!